Based on the investigation of curriculum's general structure and observation in three kindergartens, I found that
1. gender equality education is not taken seriously enough, from the perspective of the choice of textbooks and the topics of curriculum.
2. Some staffs connected gender to an ability or personality trait when they communicate with children.
3. The language they in class that may not be inclusive of transgender and non-binary students, for example, Luyun (a member of staff) called Lin little princess rather than student's name.
1. The teacher of kindergartens must continually analyse their own actions so that stereotypical gender roles can be counteracted in order to break ongoing gender role practices and thereby facilitate change within education and kindergarten practice. Competence in relation to gender issues must be improved within education and kindergarten practice.
2. Kindergartens should include Gender Equality in their Curriculums
Many textbooks are problematic when it comes to gender. Often they don’t include many notable female figures, tokenize the experiences of women, and stereotype gender roles in harmful ways. If teachers are able to pick the textbook they use, try to find one that is known for its equitable treatment of gender.
If not, try to supplement their curriculum by teaching students about both men and women who challenged their society’s ideas about gender and changed their communities in meaningful ways. It can also be helpful to include gender non-conforming and transgender people in the curriculum to help students with these identities feel represented and accepted.
3. Teacher should be a Role Model for Students
Students, especially younger children, often learn by imitation. As a teacher, be aware of some assumptions about gender and try to correct your biases as you notice them. In relevant situations, empower students to believe in their potential to achieve their dreams regardless of their gender identity—and that their gender is a strength, never a weakness.
4.From birth, children learn about gender-appropriate attitudes and behaviours through gender socialisation. They learn to “do” gender through internalising gender norms and roles as they interact with people around them. Families are primary agents of gender socialisation, and often provide children’s first sources of information and learning about gender. Parents can play an important role in promoting gender equality and building children’s resilience to rigid gender stereotypes in early childhood
5. Game is an important method that help children build some skills and learn about the would. Young learners love to play, and they participate in a game with more enthusiasm and willingness than in any other classroom task. Games seem to cater for everyone as children find playing activities much richer language studying work than doing other kinds of practice. This is because games help to create a context in which children’s attention is focused on the completion of a task without realising that items are being practised, and also provide a valuable learning experience.
These finding helps me narrow down my design concept and make me think outside of the box: My design should allow Children / Parents / Teachers to improve gender equality awareness. Game can be an attractive way that allow children to participate in as well as get some information about gender equality.
Semi-Structure Interview
I didn't rush to brainstorm because I realized that I needed to understand how teacher to play with children to make them have fun, allow them to learn from the game. The result from the primary research may help me with how to design a game for young children.
Due to the previous experience, I wrote down a question list before I interview kindergartner’s teachers; the question mainly relate to gender equality and the way teacher giving lessons:
1. Personal info: Gender / Age / Occupation / Types of course ( Art / Science / Math...etc)
2. Do you know anything about gender equality education? (if yes) Did you apply some gender equality information to your course? (if no) Would you like to learn some knowledge of gender equality and apply them to your classes?
3. Did you try to help students better understand individual behaviors' nuance rather than stereotyping 'girls' and 'boys'?
4. Did you help students to identify and counter gender stereotypes in picture books or in daily life?
5. How do you have your class? (Use a storytelling way to explain the curriculum's structure)
6. Can you introduce the way you interact with children?
7. How to keep kids engaged in class? And what did you do to set the pace in the classroom?

I used online 1 v 1 interview to collect information.

Interview Finding
I was able to collect lots of findings form the 1v1 interview:
Regarding gender equality education, I realize the absence of GEE in China:
The kindergarten in China may not support GEE in some cases, and teachers don't have any access to reach out some GEE Resource. And this phenomenon also leads to a "Blank Area" in GEE in China. Most teachers don't how to apply gender equality education in their class.
Regarding gender equality education, I realize the absence of GEE in China:
The kindergarten in China may not support GEE in some cases, and teachers don't have any access to reach out some GEE Resource. And this phenomenon also leads to a "Blank Area" in GEE in China. Most teachers don't how to apply gender equality education in their class.
2.There's optimism that teachers are also beginning to challenge gender bias and inequality, even though some of them don't realize it.
3. Child continues to develop a wide range of skills in kindergarten, including physical, social, emotional, language and literacy, and thinking (cognitive) skills. some tips allow children engaged in the class:
A. To make the children earn and love learning is possible with the help of involving them in education; this may teach them by making things interesting just like they love to play, so at the initial stage, teach them like they are playing. When they grow up, the strategy may be changed to make them aware that learning can help them, and it's possible when studying the children and understanding their nature by treating them individually.
B. Teachers need to treat the students as equals through language and body expression. It is the best way for the teacher to build a trust relationship.
C. Student engagement is super important; let students express themselves differently to understand some knowledge is better than intellectual narrative.