After conducting the field research in the toy shops, I realized that game can be an important method to convey Gender Equality Education in school and at home. Most games are designed to be interesting, exciting, fun, challenging and engaging. All these processes are very important if I look at the game as an educational tool, because all of the above mentioned features help to learn and promote inner motivation to learn, discover, explore and understand more.
The principles that promote an individual's involvement in the game are: clear rules that must follow, clear goals of the game, clear process and steps to be taken. Considering the theories of psychology about motivation, goal setting and engagement, one can observe that learning new skills and using them is both challenging and exciting.
The topic of board games is interest to the me in two ways - as a form of design - their graphics, content, mechanics, organization, ergonomics and, of course, the benefits of their use in education, advertising and entertainment. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to previous researches and experience of professionals. This is in line with the design thinking process which consisting of several stages: empathize - define - ideate - prototype - test.
To explore the topic, the publications on the game as a teaching aid, as well as scientific articles on the game design and its development was analyzed. The review of the researches on the game design included in the scientific databases leads to the conclusion that various aspects of the topic have become popular over the last decade.
The use of educational games in the learning environment gradually becomes a trend. In the world, many scientists have focused on analysing the results of using the educational games in all age groups. For example, the researchers have explored features of game-based learning motivation. Spanish scientists (2008) analyses some essential requirements for development the educational games in online education, as well as offer a general game design method including adaptation and evaluation functions.
K. D. Valentine and L. J. Jensen (2018) have conducted case studies analysing the experience of young students in a game design camp, where they learned the basics of video game design. The results show that game designers rely on their playing experience. The research findings on young people thinking processes were suggested for the game design.
The latest research also positively assesses the impact of the educational board games on the player. D. A. Coil, C. L. Ettinger, and J. A. Eisen analyse how they have created an educational and entertaining game for the first time themselves without any previous experience, and recommend others to pay attention to the game development and logistic issues with emphasis on design and production. They point out that it is noteworthy to test the game repeatedly involving people with different experiences, including those familiar with the gaming science, as well as people who play a lot of board games (2017).
Advertising and board game are keywords in the article "MediaSmart launches advertising board game". As its creators note, the game teaches children to think critically about advertising (2005). Study of the scientific articles suggests that the games, including the board games, are widely used for educational purposes both in formal and non-formal education, in audiences of all ages.
Psychologist, cognitive behavioural therapist conducted the session "Board games as a base for relationship, development, and cooperation”. The session was organised in an informal setting where parents played games with their children. The psychologist's advice and suggestions helped parents to understand the way the board games help in development and relationships, because often, particularly playing board games, children learn to accept real-life challenges. As the expert mentioned, the games are based on four main aspects engagement, structure, care, and challenge.
When a child is engaged in a game, he/she learns how to keep his/her attention, and this activity helps to establish and maintain a relationship with the child. In turn, for example, memorizing the game rules and understanding its mechanics teaches a child to structure information that is particularly important nowadays. The game process makes it easier for children to maintain a structure of interaction, and the adult helps the child to complete the sequence of actions. This provides the child a sense of security and predictability. Likewise, playing games, children learn to accept the life situations
When a child is engaged in a game, he/she learns how to keep his/her attention, and this activity helps to establish and maintain a relationship with the child. In turn, for example, memorizing the game rules and understanding its mechanics teaches a child to structure information that is particularly important nowadays. The game process makes it easier for children to maintain a structure of interaction, and the adult helps the child to complete the sequence of actions. This provides the child a sense of security and predictability. Likewise, playing games, children learn to accept the life situations
These conditions can also be considered as game eligibility assessment criteria. These are:
• The choice of the game must be justified from the pedagogical and psychological point of view.
• The game must match the age of the learners, their level of intellectual development and their interests.
• In the game, as many students as possible shall be involved, activated and engaged, still the game should not be imposed on the students, participation should be voluntary.
• The teacher should be involved in the game on the equal base. Wherever possible, a student should be the game leader, it will make the game to be more free, more open.
• The subject matter of the game must correspond to the content of a particular lesson. The game must cover a study problem. As much as possible, new facts, concepts and phenomena should be included in the content of the game.
• The preparation for the game should take as little time as possible. Knowledge of these criteria is essential for the game developers as well.
• The choice of the game must be justified from the pedagogical and psychological point of view.
• The game must match the age of the learners, their level of intellectual development and their interests.
• In the game, as many students as possible shall be involved, activated and engaged, still the game should not be imposed on the students, participation should be voluntary.
• The teacher should be involved in the game on the equal base. Wherever possible, a student should be the game leader, it will make the game to be more free, more open.
• The subject matter of the game must correspond to the content of a particular lesson. The game must cover a study problem. As much as possible, new facts, concepts and phenomena should be included in the content of the game.
• The preparation for the game should take as little time as possible. Knowledge of these criteria is essential for the game developers as well.
D.A. Coil, C.L. Ettinger, J.A. Eisen, “Gut Check: The evolution of an educational board game,” PLoS Biol, vol. 15, no 4, pp. 1-8, 2017. Retrieved from 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001984 Database: Academic Search Complete.
P. Moreno-Ger, D. Burgos, I. Mart®™nez-Ortiz, J.L. Sierra, B. Fern®¢ndez-Manj®Æn, “Educational game design for online education,” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 24, no 6, pp. 2530-2540, 2008. Retrieved from DataBase ERIC.
Media Smart launches advertising board game, Marketing Week, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 7-8, March 31, 2005. Retrieved from Database: MasterFILE Premier.
K.D. Valentine, & L.J. Jensen, A Case Study Tracing the Design Iteration Trajectory in a Youth Game Design Summer Camp. Online Submission, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, April 13, 2018. Retrieved from DataBase ERIC.
Literature Review of Storytelling
One of the most common qualiers to measure how we deal with the world is empathy. As children will grow up, their opinions and perspectives will be formed largely based on their ability to understand other people's motives, emotions and views. Storytelling is a natural and reoccurring way for humans to develop empathy (Smiley, 2005).
Regarding the educational content games may have, there is again the literature overview by Connoly et al. ( 2012). Here, they analyze dierent (positive) impacts of games, which include different learning outcomes such as: Affective learning, Knowledge acquisition, perceptual / cognitive skills and behavior change. Research supports the idea that reading can expand students’ worldviews and build empathy. In an article in an American Psychological Association journal, academics from Italy and the United Kingdom found that the Harry Potter books in particular helped students gain an understanding of others. “Literature is an excellent tool for building empathy. It’s like a match made in heaven,” says Heather Schwartz (2013 ), practice specialist at the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. “When we read stories, we ask ourselves, ‘Why is the character doing this? What’s going on with him or her?" In conclusion, building empathy with stories is a interesting teaching method in education.
Connolly, T.M., Boyle, E.A., MacArthur, E., Hainey, T., Boyle, J.M.: A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Computers & Education 59(2), 661{686 (2012)
Smiley, J.: Thirteen ways of looking at the novel. Alfred a Knopf Incorporated (2005)
The literature review of Educational Game and Storytelling give me an inspiration that how to design the board game and I defined the aim that the game would like to achieved: 1. The game should encourage players to discuss gender stereotypes. 2. Playing location is school and home 3. Simple Rule that match the age of children. 4. Expanding children's worldviews and build empathy through storytelling.
1. Children will allow to learn about the idea of “stereotypes” and will consider whether gender stereotypes are fair or unfair. They will also discuss how it feels to not conform to socially defined gender norms.
2. Finish playing the game, children will be able to define and acquire relevant vocabulary to talk about gender identify and discuss gender stereotypes. And talk about ways stereotypes can result in unfair or even harmful situations
Base on the observation and literature review, I realized that storytelling can be an attractive method to introduce some topics. While picture book written with the aim of fulfilling children’s desire and need to learn about certain topics, events, concepts, or situations (Tüfekçi-Can, 2014) and increasing children’s knowledge about people, objects and events (Reese & Harris, 1997). In addition, parents and teachers also need to be included into the game, storytelling will help parents to build a harmonious relationship with child.
After the Literature Review, I went to a bookshop to investigate the parents' and kids' thoughts about the picture book and storytelling. When I was in the bookshop, I found that lots of parents was reading the picture books to their children with an lively intonation and children were attracted to the story. Moreover, some parents told me that their children really love the story because when the child sits and listens to a story being read, they can imagine in their mind what is taking place as the story goes along. Even the busiest of children will sit and listen to an amusing story.
Workshop & Interview
To understand "How to tell a story to children?" and How children perceive the narrative, I participated in a story-telling workshop with the children age of 4-6, and I conducted interviews with the parents and a teacher after the workshop

1. Miss Li (The teacher) told me that storytellers must make sure they are emotionally expressive and excited while reading the story. Apart from that, using actions and exhibiting positive and happy body language.
2. Read and Discuss will help children learn the theme of the story and ask questions that will get children thinking, such as "Why is the boy sad?" "What do you think is going to happen next?" Moreover, parents should respond to children's comments and questions about the story.
3. The course of picture book reading usually consists of several parts. First, the teacher will introduce the theme of the picture book, and then read the story in a vivid way. After reading the story, the teacher will discuss the theme of the book with the students. Finally, the teacher will allow students to design a DIY part through creativity.