After reading some literature study, we were very interested in the topics of memory and homesickness, because they were directly related to people's emotions, we thought they would provide some new ideas for our design and we believed that it will let people have satellite experience from a new perspective.

Recent studies in neurology (Lim, M.Y, 2007) provide evidence that memory files contain not only data or information but emotions as well. It is the emotional arousal, not the importance of the information that organizes memory. The stronger the emotional factor, the longer the memory remains due to the fact that emotional arousal has a key role in the enhancement of memories for significant information. It has also long been known that emotionally arousing events are more likely to be later recollected than similar, neutral events. Those memories are part of what makes up our personality, controls our behaviors, and often produces our mood.
In our previous research, reminding is a crucial aspect of human memory and it can occur across situations. When interacting with the visitor, the Personal Memory Assistant will be engaged in the meaningful reconstruction of our past, at the same time presenting facts about that time. In other words, humans are able to recall their past with certain objects or sounds ect. So we want to use some satellite-based services, such as Google Earth and with AR or VR Tech, to recreate the scene of before.

Storyboard of memory

What is Homesickness?
Homesick is defined most by attachment. It’s no wonder that when we feel insecure or uncertain about our lives, we want the stability and comfort of home. Our minds love the “known,” especially in the face of the unknown. In most cases, homesickness happens between home and new home, during a period of adjustment and change.
According to mental health professionals, homesickness is a kind of grief, except it’s a longing for a place rather than a living being like a family member or pet. It can cause things like anxiety, insomnia, depression, and appetite fluctuations. Change often switches on our fight-or-flight response, and in turn, we feel homesick. Of course, sometimes we feel homesick when we run across pictures from a hiking trip, find a childhood teddy bear, or smell the familiar waft of Dad cutting the grass in the air.
The scenario of Homesick seems really close to personal emotions and we try to understand what causes people to feel homesick. Basically, we let people tell us a story that their homesickness, and let them try to describe what kinds of the situation makes them feel homesick as well as what they missed much in their hometown. We found lots of interesting design opportunity points from our user interview and storytelling part, and we found homesickness is always connected to a physical location, people, and emotional feeling.
The scenario of Homesick seems really close to personal emotions and we try to understand what causes people to feel homesick. Basically, we let people tell us a story that their homesickness, and let them try to describe what kinds of the situation makes them feel homesick as well as what they missed much in their hometown. We found lots of interesting design opportunity points from our user interview and storytelling part, and we found homesickness is always connected to a physical location, people, and emotional feeling.
Scholars recognized that home; including spaces and places as well as relationships and feelings, helps individuals to develop and maintain identities and a sense of continuity in people's life (e.g., Blunt & Dowling, 2006; Fried, 1963). When one leaves home and disrupts this continuity, however, these spaces, places, and/or relationships can become losses that are grieved. Indeed, individuals often experience homesickness when they are separated from important others or key places, regardless of whether their situation improves because of that separation (Fisher, 1989).
Distance negatively affected both hometown dependence and campus dependence. Undergraduates whose hometowns were nearer to campus were inclined to be more dependent on both places. Chow and Healey (2008) argued that people tend to maintain close relationships with a specific place for continuity through geographic proximity.


Sound can affect people's feelings, and it reminds people of many scenes in their minds. There are many voices in the city, such as the sound of children playing, the noise from food market and so on. We hope to create an immersive experience by stimulating the sound in the city, allowing users to remotely hear the sound of their hometown and feel like they are back home.
Satellite technology: the bus can report the station in real time through the satellite positioning technology. Therefore, we would like to build a sound collection station on the bus through this technology, and collect the sounds of the city while the bus is driving.
Users can search for Radio signals in foreign cities to listen to the real-time sound of the hometown city and the sound of the bus stop and let the sound warm their hearts.
Brewer, W.F., 1986. What is autobiographical memory?.
Bruce, D., Phillips‐Grant, K., Wilcox‐O'Hearn, L.A., Robinson, J.A. and Francis, L., 2007. Memory fragments as components of autobiographical knowledge. Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 21(3), pp.307-324.
Lim, M.Y., 2007. Emotions, behaviour and belief regulation in an intelligent guide with attitude (Doctoral dissertation, PhD thesis, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Ediburgh, Edinburgh).
Scharp K M, Paxman C G, Thomas L J. “I Want to Go Home” Homesickness Experiences and Social-Support-Seeking Practices[J]. Environment and Behavior, 2016, 48(9): 1175-1197
Xu M, de Bakker M, Strijker D, et al. Effects of distance from home to campus on undergraduate place attachment and university experience in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2015, 43: 95-104.